Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's never too late

The Caller is one of those movies that feels like a foreign film but fits like a comfortable old shoe. It answers the question "Can you go home again" in a way that is both sad and realistic. The center of the story revolves around the relationship between a retired policeman who has turned his bird-watching habits into a profitable hobby and a corporate executive who has one last important communique (hence the name).

Frank Langella reprises his role as the voice of eventual integrity in a position of authority and his experience playing many roles, as recently as that of President Nixon, serve him well here. He brings a weight and authority that would be missing in many of today's popular performers.

Elliot Gould performs well as well, adding nuance and realism to a potentially two-dimensional role. It is to Gould's credit that his role is flushed out well and the result is the presentation of two high-caliber actors who have been given a solid script.

Ultimately, this is one of those movies that doesn't fill in all the blanks - this type of movie does not appeal to all movie goers, so will likely reduce the overall perception of the quality.

This is also one of those movies I will enjoy discussing with my son when he reaches the age of reason and it is full of potential discussion topics.

Note - There are some scenes that may require a filter, to include:
Revealing Images

I encourage you to choose
ClearPlay. As a father, I am always on the look-out for tools that allow me to enhance my movie viewing experience. ClearPlay allows you to filter out various components or aspects of movies without diminishing the story line.

Intended Audience: Pre-Teen to Adult

Rating: B+


Sunday, January 25, 2009

If you have truth, you have to pursue it

City of Ember is a return to those movies I used to watch as a child - with humor, suspense, and an interesting premise, the main characters develop into believable and identifiable people, with the result that we easily find ourselves rooting for them, even while knowing that they will win the day.

I also took away a renewing of my faith; there is a suggestion throughout the movie that, even in the face of adversity, your goal is to stay true to what is right.

As a new father, I really appreciate this kind of movie being available, and I am considering owning my own copy.

Intended Audience: Kids, but most will enjoy

Rating: A
